What can I expect from a Mandarin Support Recovery Coach ?
The aim of recovery coach support is to increase participants’ social and economic independence and participation through the provision of capacity building support.
Recovery coaches will focus on coaching participants to have greater participation in managing their lives, and will collaborate with other services to support and underpin these outcomes.
At Mandarin Support, we provide tailored coaching services that focus on the Chinese community. Our NDIS Chinese Recovery Coach team members have the culture awareness, and language skills to effectively communicate and liaise with all stakeholders from a participants’ support network.
What does a Recovery Coach do?
Specifically, the NDIS requires recovery coaches to:
develop recovery-enabling relationships for participants, based on hope
support participants with their recovery planning
coach participants to increase their recovery skills and personal capacity (eg, motivation, individual strengths and decision making)
ensure that other supports is recovery oriented
support engagement with the NDIS
assist with plan implementation
Recovery coaches will work with participants’ family, carers and relevant service providers to implement a recovery plan.
How does a NDIS Recovery Coach differ from Support Coordination?
Although the support provided by a NDIS support coordinator and a recovery coach may appear to be similar, many more hours are expected to be allocated to a recovery coach over an extended period. For example, 1- 2 hours per week for the year.
What is a Recovery Plan?
According to the NDIA, a recovery plan will
build on, and if needed, clarify and break down goals into short-term objectives
identify strengths and barriers
enable the person to identify areas of life where they have choice and areas of life where they have no choice (i.e.decisions are made by other people)
identify key contacts who are in the person’s life and are able to support them
map the identified goals with available and potential resources and services
identify early signs that may require changes in supports and identify how supports can be adjusted to meet fluctuating needs. This may include an increased level of support from clinical services and increased use of NDIS supports
support the person to plan and manage available resources and services in the broader service system (including, for example, their NDIS funded supports and clinical mental health services) to optimise the use of these resources
clarify how NDIS supports complement and interact with other supports, such as clinical services
help the person navigate the broader NDIS service system
clarify roles and responsibilities of the person, recovery coach, clinical supports and other supports.
What funding category covers a recovery coach in my NDIS plan?
Funding for a recovery coach falls under the Support Coordination category in the NDIS Price Guide and Support Catalogue.
Why choose Mandarin Support?
Culturally sensitive – Mandarin Support has a team with an in-depth understanding of Chinese cultural values, customs and practice in family crisis. Having both long-term lived experience in China, and as an immigrant in Australia, Mandarin Support empathises with the challenges the Chinese community encounter due to cultural differences. We can break the language barrier by effectively communicate in both Chinese and English to prevent the misunderstanding due to the nuances in language translations.
Highly Skilled Staff - Our staff have extensive experience in working with people with disability and their families, and have qualifications in Psychology background.
We are an Independent Provider – We specialise in Chinese support coordination and Chinese recovery coach services and do not provide other NDIS services. Therefore, we do not have conflict of interest in other areas of your NDIS plan. We can assist you in an impartial and unbiased manner to address your NDIS needs.
How do I access Support Coordination or Psychosocial recovery coach at Mandarin Support?
Step 1: Talk to your NDIA Planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC) and discuss what level of capacity building support you would like to include in the NDIS plan
Step 2: Nominate Mandarin Support as your NDIS support Coordinator or Psychosocial recovery coach. If you were provided with a referral form, you can contact us to help you complete the form (0403 503 193 or email us at
Step 3: We will contact you and arrange an appointment at your preferred date and time to discuss your needs